From June 4 to 7, I was invited by the Agroecology Coalition to attend the Cultivating Change Gathering in Arusha, Tanzania. The meeting was convened by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Biovision Foundation, Agroecology Coalition and Climate Works Foundation. 13:33:432024-06-28 13:33:43Cultivating Change Gathering in Tanzania: Transforming Food Systems
South Seas University (SSU) has a history of innovation, so when I was offered the opportunity to form a department of organic and regenerative agriculture, I jumped at it. SSU was founded with a vision to provide quality education at an affordable cost, leveraging innovative technology and cooperation with the world’s leading academic institutions. 00:36:162024-06-24 00:36:16Regeneration International’s Partnership With the South Seas University
On May 8th, a collaboration agreement was signed in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, between the Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco (CIATEJ) and Regeneration International (RI), in order to strengthen and promote the Billion Agave Project (BAP) in the following areas: research and scientific and technological transfer, project development and implementation, human resources, dissemination, training and institutional services. The agreement was signed by Dr. Eugenia del Carmen Lugo Cervantes, Director General of CIATEJ and Luis Arturo Carrillo Sánchez, Coordinator of the BAP. 17:57:422024-06-21 18:12:16High-level Scientific and Technological Support for the Billion Agave Project
There is a massive misunderstanding in blaming group certification for the lower prices that undercut US organic growers. A campaign to ensure ‘Fair prices for Family Farmers’ is urgently needed. The organic sector needs to partner with our like-minded allies to develop and run this campaign. Consumers and traders must actively support their local and national organic farmers by paying fair prices rather than the lowest price for their products. 13:29:182024-06-23 23:54:16Fair Prices for Farmers
Biocultural recovery based on environmentally, socially and economically sustainable productive projects. The Secretary of SEFADER and other personalities assisted the event, a collaboration agreement was signed between Regeneration International and CEDICAM. 16:57:162024-06-21 17:53:01The Billion Agave Project Expanding to the Mixteca Region
Just a few weeks away now, this is the inaugural Latin American event discussing the industry transition towards regenerative farming processes. We are gathering together experts from across the farming supply chain to discuss the core themes and challenges. 16:29:252024-06-13 16:29:25Regeneration International as Part of the Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems LATAM 2024
There are discussions that organic certification should be mandated as the starting point of regenerative agriculture. Regeneration International has consistently asserted that the four principles of organic agriculture are essential in determining whether practices are regenerative or degenerative. 16:46:312024-06-07 16:46:31Organic Certification as the Basis of Regenerative Agriculture?
The Graphic Novel “Biodiversity is Life” addresses the issue of biodiversity erosion and conservation. The story told in the graphic novel follows a group of young people who, when brought into direct contact with local agricultural ecosystems, learn how biodiversity loss is not a distant problem, but instead has a direct impact on health and food security. 11:19:262024-06-01 11:31:46Biodiversity is Life – Graphic Novel
Hoy más que nunca, la búsqueda de una alimentación sana, sin agroquímicos, sin transgénicos, así como la protección a nuestros maíces nativos y la reafirmación del derecho a la alimentación adecuada, consagrado en nuestra Constitución y en la recientemente aprobada Ley General de Alimentación Adecuada y Sostenible, se torna apremiante para nuestro país. 18:55:502024-05-22 19:12:15Carta hacia el Cuarto Tribunal Colegiado en materia Administrativa del Primer Circuito
I am part of the generation of organic farmers who developed the first organic standards and certification systems in the 1970s and 80s to ensure the integrity of organic agriculture and stop false claims when people were selling their produce as organic. We did this to protect both farmers and consumers.
The worst thing that happened to the organic sector was when governments started regulating it. At the time, we believed that government regulation would protect the sector and stop fraudulent claims and substitutions, so we strongly advocated for it.
Last week, over 60 Mexican and international organizations signed a joint letter addressed to Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the people of Mexico to demand the protection of a GMO and glyphosate free country. This letter is the result of the coordinated work of many organizations including Vía Orgánica, Regeneration International and Organic Consumers Association and has been endorsed by farmers, beekeepers, activists, scientists, organic certifiers and members of academia. 12:01:222024-04-24 12:42:02The Demand Is Clear: Mexico Should Not Postpone the Ban on Glyphosate and GMOs
Biodiversity stands as a cornerstone of climate resilience, a vital component at all levels of ecosystems that maintain balance and resilience. Health, too, must embrace diversity—the rich tapestry of life that sustains us. True sovereignty over our well-being can only be attained by regenerating and working in harmony with all the sources of our sustenance, from food, to water, to soil, to biodiversity. We call for the protection of the Earth on all levels for a more resilient future. 14:03:552024-04-22 12:35:44Earth Day – Regenerating the Earth, Regenerating Our Health. A Call for Biodiversity
Dr. Vandana Shiva was the keynote speaker at two events on March 15 and 16 in Mexico City in support of the Mexican Government’s stand against glyphosate and GMO Maize.
Regeneration International was one of the organizers of these events in partnership with Navdanya International, the Organic Consumers Association, Via Organica, and Sin Maiz No Pais. International International2024-04-02 13:41:322024-04-22 14:21:51Dr. Vandana Shiva and Regeneration International Support Mexico
The diversity of vegetables, herbs and other species grown on the ranch are part of the ecological management of the garden. The proposal to produce healthy and delicious vegetables begins in the soil, building life and fertility with the use of green manures, the application of compost, biodynamic preparations, etc.
In January, our friend and partner Mekong Organics invited Regeneration International to participate and share knowledge on a very successful series of events they brilliantly managed entitled "Strengthening Trade and Investment in Organic Agriculture between Australia and Vietnam", held from January 15 to 21 in both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, funded by the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and part of a program to bolster economic cooperation between the two countries. 08:00:392024-02-15 23:56:58Mekong Organics Invites Regeneration International to Promote Regenerative Organic Development Across Vietnam