Thanks to all for another great year of the People's Food Summit.
Across social media platforms, we had more than 3.2 million views of the session videos.
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2023 Asia-Pacific Session #1 - Replay
2023 Asia-Pacific Session #2 - Replay
2023 Europe Session #1 - Replay
2023 Europe Session #2 - Replay
2023 Europe Session #3 - Replay
2023 Africa Session #1 - Replay
2023 Africa Session #2 - Replay
2023 North America Session #1 - Replay
2023 North America Session #2 - Replay
2023 Latin America Session #1 - Replay
2023 Latin America Session #2 - Replay
2023 Latin America Session #3 - Replay
Watch The Trailer
Regeneration International Hosts the Third People’s Food Summit, World Food Day, October 16, 2023
This will be the third time Regeneration International will host the People’s Food Summit. This unique event is a major 24-hour event celebration of World Food Day, October 16, 2023, featuring exciting speakers from every region of our planet.
The 2021 and 2022 events were spectacularly successful, with over 500,000 people, each time, from all regions of our world, tuning in to watch and listen to our numerous speakers and their essential topics.
In 2022, we promoted videos that we regarded as highlights of each region and reached another 700,000 views, bringing the total views to 1,200,000. Because we reached so many people, this event had a very high impact and will continue to.
The People’s Food Summit enhances the connectedness of global work amongst numerous like-minded organizations. We seek to engage hundreds of thousands by exchanging information and sharing inspiring stories.
Our hope for the outcomes:
1. Information Exchange
2. Creating connections where different groups can continue working together after
3. Stimulating a citizen-led research and storytelling journey
4. Starting a partnership where RI continues to enable the scale-up of projects
5. Increasing the reach of this vital information to hundreds of thousands of people
It is the only 24-hour global, participatory, virtual summit starting in Oceania and moving westwards through the time zones of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America. The People’s Food Summit is a truly participatory summit that empowers most of the world's food producers: the family farmers, pastoralists, and foresters who produce 70% of our food. Regenerative organic agriculture, agroecology, and climate change feature in the summit.
We intend to expand this format for the 2023 summits and continue to present the proven, farmer-based, real-world examples that are the future of our food and farming systems. These include agroecology, organic and regenerative farming, permaculture, agroforestry, holistically managed grazing, and many other systems.
*Information by Region*
1 - Pacific - Asia Program (GMT+12)
Local Time: Fiji (5pm) — Tokyo (2pm) — Mumbai (10:30am) — London (6am) — Bogotá (12am) — Chicago (12am)
Moderators: Dr. Andre Leu, International Director, Regeneration International and Oliver Gardiner, Regeneration International
-Opening: Prof. Dr. Andre Leu, Introduction and Welcome to the Peoples Food Summit 2023
-Keynote Speech: From Degenerative Industrial Agriculture to Regenerative Organic Agriculture - The real future of food, farming and communities, Dr Vandana Shiva. Vandana discusses Bill Gates and the Billionaires’ corruption of agriculture and food systems compared to the positive alternative, regenerative organic agriculture of smallholder family farms, which produces more health and wealth per acre.
-Uniting the Australian Organic Sector, Tim Marshall, Chair, National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia Tim will discuss a new initiative that united the Australian organic sector and future initiatives to grow the sector.
-Regenerating Ecosystems and Communities, John D Liu, Filmmaker and founder, Ecosystem Restoration Camps.
-Mr. Shinya Imahashi, Farmer trainer - Shumei International - Japan
-Mayor. Rommel Arnardo - Mayor of the Municipality of Kauswagan - Founder of ARMS2FARMS - Philippines
-Mathana Aphaimool of Green Organic Center, Farmer/Seed Saver owner of Metta Farm - Thailand
-Vittoon Panyakul,founder of Green-Net Foundation and Coop - Thailand
-Sam Merito CEO of Merito Farm - Thailand
-Jacob Jose, PDS Organic - India
-Mr. Taim Malik (Founder of Drawdown Farm - Pakistan)
2 - Europe Program (GMT+3)
Local Time: London (11am) — Tokyo (7pm) — Mumbai (3:30pm) — London (11am) — Bogotá (5am) — Chicago (5am)
Dr. Gilles Seralini Cedric Chabrol Patrick Worms Dr. Irena Ateljevic Philippe Birker Bonnie Welch Yanniek S. Thomas Legrand
Moderated by Oliver Gardiner, Regeneration International
Scheduled Speakers:
- Dr. Gilles Eric Seralini – France
- Dr. Irena Ateljevic Terra Meera – Croatia
- Mr. Thomas Legrand - UNDP - Conscious Food Systems Alliance - France
- Ms. Yaniek Schnoonhoven - La Junquera Farm & The Regeneration Academy - Spain/Netherlands
- Patrick Worms President of the International Union of Agroforestry - Belgium
- Cedric Chabrol - Rancher/Farmer - France
- Ms. Bonnie Welch Head of Projects - Sustainable Food Trust - UK
- Philippe Birker Climate Farmers - Germany
Discussing about:
- Regen organic farming solutions to weather drought & biodiversity loss
- GHG draw down through holistic livestock management
- How corporate interests drive policy and regulation
- New/emerging/critically needed EU farming policies
- Public-led Initiatives on sovereign food autonomy
- Rural regeneration in post-conflict zones
- Human health and well-being
- Consciousness in food systems
- Feeding Society from the Ground Up
3 - Africa Program (GMT+3)
Local Time: Nairobi (7pm) — Tokyo (1am) — Mumbai (9:30pm) — London (5pm) — Bogotá (11am) — Chicago (11am)
Chifundo Kokwa Precious Phiri Juliet Nangamba Method Gundidza Ferdinand Wafula Vanessa Black Ntando Ndlovu
Moderator: Precious Phiri, African Coordinator, Regeneration International
Chifundo Kokwa- SCOPE Malawi- Vanessa Black-Biowatch South Africa
Etienne Osthuzien-Africa Centre for Holistic Management-Zimbabwe
Ntando Ndlovu- Female Farmer and activist-DUMANDO Investments,Zimbabwe
Juliet Nangamba- Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) Zambia
Method Gundidza-Earthlore-South Africa and Zimbabwe
Discussing about Continental to household level view of the issues and actions being taken. Connecting the dots of the crises, Building Hope, Resiliency and Abundance through agroecological and regenerative actions.
- The bigger picture, Food issues, landscape level crises and insights on seed and food laws in the Continent- Keynote
- Advocacy issues and in depth sharing on the green revolution and false solutions.-Vanessa Black
- Mobilizing communities and movement building around issues of seed and food. Juliet-
- Seed and Food sovereignty at household level. A mother’s personal story-Ntando
- Engaging schools, youths- (Water harvesting at landscape level) and Value addition for small-holder farming communities -Chifundo
- Engaging local wisdoms and the culture of food and Seed issues - Method Gundidza
4 - North America Program (GMT-5)
Local Time: New York City (4:30pm) — Tokyo (5:30am) — Mumbai (3am) — London (9:30pm) — Bogotá (3:30pm) — Chicago 3:30pm)
The Organic Consumers Association has teamed up with the Real Organic Project to bring you highlights from the 2023 Real Organic Conference: Saving Real Organic.
Section 1
Part 1: Linley Dixon, Real Organic Project
“Saving Organic: The first five years of the farmer-led Real Organic Project”
Linley is co-director of the Real Organic Project and a vegetable farmer in SW Colorado. Her MS in organic farming systems and Ph.D. in plant pathology led her to the fungal systematics lab at the USDA, and then on to organic policy. Principled farmers who believe in the ethical foundations of fair return to the earth need a critical point of differentiation in the marketplace. There are now over 1,200 farms across the country certified to Real Organic Project’s higher standards for animal welfare, soil health, and worker protections. What sets these farmers apart and how can we better support them?
Part 2: Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin,
Tree-Range Farms
“The need for a real regenerative movement”
Reginaldo is a prominent chicken farmer and leader of the regenerative movement. Based in Minnesota, Regi "engages immigrant, young, small, new and established agricultural entrepreneurs in the US in refining and championing a global model for small-scale, poultry-powered (and planet cooling), scalable regenerative agriculture system." His powerful speaking is calling attention to the real roots of regenerative agriculture.
Part 3: Glenn Elzinga, Alderspring Ranch
“Raining beavers and political suicide:
Why cattle are ruining our public lands in spite of a better way”
Glenn is a well-known organic beef rancher from Idaho. Their Alderspring Ranch is run by Glenn, his wife, Caryl, and their seven daughters. They are pioneering "in-herding," a way of herding cattle over the 40,000 acres of rangeland they manage. They have witnessed the transformation of the land through their return to the ancient techniques of cattle herding. Glenn often speaks at conferences, presenting with Dr. Fred Provenza, a leading expert on rangeland management and livestock nutrition. Alderspring Ranch was one of the original pilot farms certified by the Real Organic Project.
Part 4: Ben Dobson, Hudson Carbon
“The politics of farming for climate”
Ben Dobson has been a grower of intensive organic greens production in Maine, followed by working in Biodynamic production in Central America, and then on to managing Stone House Grains in New York. He is a co-founder of Hudson Carbon, a research facility on the actual intersection of farming, carbon, and climate. Also a co-founder of Hudson Hemp and a founding board member of Regeneration International, Ben is ever active in leading the change that we seek. He has been active in the recent efforts of the Mexican government to reject importing grain treated with herbicides.
Section 2
Part 1: Iriel Edwards, Real Organic Project
“Why is race in this? USDA discrimination, land access, and collective liberation”
While sometimes misconstrued as a peripheral topic to conversations in sustainable agriculture, addressing diversity and equity in the organic movement is a core action in tackling the corporate takeover of our public institutions. In this session, Iriel will tell the story of how the USDA knowingly stripped the BIPOC community from land and how this is fueling the consolidation of our food system. She will highlight how the cultural shift within the next generation of farmers to prioritize systemic racism will liberate us all and save Real organic. Iriel is a young BIPOC farmer who recently joined the staff of the Real Organic Project as an inspector. Previously she was part of the non-profit Jubilee Justice which works with BIPOC farmers focusing on dryland rice production. Based in Louisiana, Iriel is well connected with the network of farmers of color in the Southeast.
Part 2: Alan Lewis, Natural Grocers
“Food system betrayal”
Alan is Vice President of Policy at Natural Grocers, based in Colorado. Alan has spoken eloquently at Real Organic Project conferences at EcoFarm and Dartmouth on the consolidation of power in the distribution and retailing of food. He is also deeply knowledgeable about the consolidation of the dairy industry and concerns around lab meat. Alan served a term on the original Real Organic Project Standards Board.
Part 3: Chellie Pingree, U.S. Representative
“The power of the chemical Ag lobby”
Congresswoman from Maine, Chellie still participates in her working farm. Chellie is well known as the organic champion of the House of Representatives. She has spoken at the Thetford Rally In The Valley alongside Senator Pat Leahy and then Congressman (and now Senator) Peter Welch. A co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, Chellie is courageous in her defense of real organic farming. She speaks eloquently about the power of the Big Ag lobby in Congress.
Part 4: Dave Chapman, Long Wind Farm
“Saving Organic: the Future of the Real Organic Project”
Lifelong Vermont farmer, Dave is co-founder and co-director of the Real Organic Project. He is co-founder of the Vermont Organic Farmers and the grassroots movement Keep The Soil In Organic. Dave manages a one hectare glass greenhouse that produces delicious tomatoes in fertile soil. Dave served on the USDA Hydroponic Task Force. He has interviewed over a hundred leading organic thinkers with his co-director, Linley Dixon.
5 - Latin America Program (GMT-3)
Local Time: Buenos Aires (10pm) — Tokyo (10am) — Mumbai (7:30am) — London (2am) — Bogotá (8pm) — Chicago (8pm)
Luis Arturo Carrillo Mercedes López Leydy Pech Marcos Filardi Panfilo Hernández Ercilia Sahores Dr. Vandana Shiva
Mercedes López Martínez, Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos, Vía Orgánica y Ercilia Sahores, Regeneration International América Latina
- Primera parte
-Billion Agave Project - Luis Arturo Carrillo, Coordinador del Billion Agave Project
-Diplomado de Agaves y Mezquites en Vía Orgánica 2023
- Segunda parte
-Alianzas y movimientos sociales para la transición agroecológica
En el marco del Congreso de Agroecología a celebrarse en Oaxaca en noviembre de este año, presentamos una sesión sobre la transición hacia el movimiento agroecológico en América Latina, avances y desafíos:
- Miriency González Zapata, Mecanismo de la Sociedad Civil y Pueblos Indígenas (MSCPI); Corporación para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible - Colombia
- Marcos Ezequiel Filardi, Unión de Científicos Comprometidos con la Sociedad, Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos (MSP), Cátedra Libre de Soberanía Alimentaria de Argentina, Red de Abogados en Soberanía Alimentaria - Argentina
- Pánfilo Hernández Ortíz, integrante de la organización campesina Proyecto Desarollo Rural Integral Vicente Guerrero, A.C., representante de la Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay País - México
- Tercera parte
-Evento de premiación de Pax Natura 2023, para reconocer la lucha para combatir el maíz transgénico. Con la participación de Leydy Pech, Jane Goodall y Vandana Shiva.
2022 Event Recap
Watch The Trailer
Countdown to the Event
Regeneration International, in conjunction with our partners, will hold the People’s Food Summit again this year, 2022. This will be the second time this world's first event is held - a major 24-hour event on World Food day on Oct 16, featuring speakers from every region of our planet. It was a spectacularly successful event, with over 522,000 people from all regions of our world tuning in to watch and listen to our numerous topics.
Because we reached so many people, this event had a very high impact.
This year’s event will be a 24-hour global, participatory, virtual summit starting in Oceania and moving westwards through the time zones of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Each region will be self-organized, so they are empowered to present the messages and issues that are their priorities.
The People’s Food Summit is a truly participatory summit that empowers the majority of the world's food producers: the small-holder family farmers, pastoralists, and foresters who produce 70% of the food we eat.
We will present the proven, farmer-based, real-world examples that are the future of our food and farming systems, including agroecology, organic and regenerative farming, permaculture, agroforestry, holistically managed grazing and many other systems.
Regeneration International looks forward to working with our many partners such as the Organic Consumers Association, The Global Alliance for Organic Districts, IFOAM Asia, Navdanya, the International Network of Eco Regions, Savory Hub Africa, Via Organica, AFSA, The League of Organic Municipalities and Cities and BERAS International in hosting the People's Food Summit on World Food Day.
We look forward to you joining us for an even more significant event on October 16.

*Streaming Schedule*
Session #1 - Pacific (GMT+12)
Local Time: Fiji (5pm) — Tokyo (2pm) — Mumbai (10:30am) — London (6am) — Bogotá (12am) — Chicago (12am)
Session #2 - Australia (GMT+11)
Local Time: Brisbane (5pm) — Tokyo (4pm) — Mumbai (12:30pm) — London (8am) — Bogotá (2am) — Chicago (2am)
Session #3 - East Asia & South East Asia (GMT+8)
Local Time: Manila (5pm) — Tokyo (6pm) — Mumbai (2:30pm) — London (10am) — Bogotá (4am) — Chicago (4am)
Session #4 - South, Central & West Asia (GMT+5:30)
Local Time: New Delhi (3pm) — Tokyo (6:30pm) — Mumbai (3pm) — London (10:30am) — Bogotá (4:30am) — Chicago (4:30am)
Session #5 - Africa (GMT+3)
Local Time: Nairobi (2:30pm) — Tokyo (8:30pm) — Mumbai (5pm) — London (12:30pm) — Bogotá (6:30am) — Chicago (6:30am)
Session #6 - Europe (GMT+0)
Local Time: London (3pm) — Tokyo (11pm) — Mumbai (7:30pm) — London (3pm) — Bogotá (9am) — Chicago (9am)
Session #7 - North America (GMT-5)
Local Time: New York City (1pm) — Tokyo (2am) — Mumbai (10:30pm) — London (6pm) — Bogotá (12pm) — Chicago (12pm)
Session #8 - Latin (South & Central) America (GMT-3)
Local Time: Buenos Aires (8pm) — Tokyo (8am) — Mumbai (4:30am) — London (12am) — Bogotá (6pm) — Chicago (6pm)
*Information by Region*
Dr. Jessica Hutchings Sashi Kiran Karen Mapusua
East Asia
Carolyn Suggate Shamika Mone Maya Stolastika Karina Gonçalves Charles Mubanga
Floris Niu Thilak Kariyawasam Sarojeni Rengam Prof. Reza Ardakani Kesang Tshomo
South Asia
Dr. Vandana Shiva Dr. Ranil Senanayake
Eugene Milovanov Prof. Vasyl Yukhnovskyi Stephane Linou Celine Basset Patrick Worms
Silvia Schmidt Dr. Laura Höijer Salvatore Basile Joshua Hertwig Claire Mauquié
Bridget Mugambe Caroline Jacquet Precious Phiri Elias Ncub Gertrude Pswarayi-Jabson Sabrina Masinjila Walter Mugove
Latin America
Fernanda Salinas Dr. Simón Barquera Ana Lilia Rivera Claudia Visoni Jesús León Santos Javier Carrera Eduardo Cerdá
North America
Michelle Perro MD, DHOM Dr. Stephanie Seneff Zen Honeycutt Sara Keough Gail Fuller
2021 Event Recap
Playlist of Featured Clips From 2021 Event
Featured Speakers (2021)
Vandana Shiva
Leydy Pech
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín
Ronnie Cummins
Adelita San Vicente Tello
Why are we organizing a parallel event to the UN World Food Day?
The United Nations Food Systems Summit has been hijacked by corporate agribusiness and pesticide cartels, so we need to create a different summit to promote agroecological, organic and regenerative food systems.
In June 2019, the UN signed a strategic partnership agreement with the World Economic Forum (WEF), pushing the influence and corporate greed agendas of the billionaires cartel. The agribusiness cartel agenda was consolidated with the appointment of Ms. Agnes Kalibata, the current President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA, Gates Foundation funded organization), as the Special Envoy for the UN Food Systems Summit.
More than 550 civil society organizations wrote to Mr. António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General calling for the termination of the UN-WEF strategic partnership agreement and rethinking the Food Systems Summit. The lack of a positive outcome means that hundreds of civil society organizations will be boycotting this summit.
The Positive Alternative: A Food Summit of, for and by the People
The People’s Food Summit will be a truly participatory summit that empowers the majority of the world's food producers: the small-holder family farmers, pastoralists and foresters who produce 80% of the food we eat.
We will present the proven, farmer based, real world examples that are the future of our food and farming systems, including agroecology, organic and regenerative farming, permaculture, agroforestry, holistic managed grazing and many other systems. This is a distinct contrast to the cartel model that exploits farmers and consumers to get the highest proportion of the sale prices; stealing trillions of dollars that rightfully belong to some of the poorest communities on our planet.
We invite all our partners to participate and will keep you updated via our website and emails.
Each region is self-organized and determines their own formats.