Since 2013 to date legal seeding of transgenic corn has been prevented in the Mexican territory. Pre-commercial and commercial permits are suspended by court order. Besides, since 2016, if the agribusiness attempts to plant for scientific purposes, it will have to subject itself to court reports and questionings by the collectivity and its scientists. For 7 years they have NOT dared to apply. By ruling of the SCJN (Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation), this measure will prevail until definitive resolution of the trial. 15:21:302023-07-14 16:21:10Ten Years in Defense of the Milpa, Native Corns and Mexican Biodiversity
At the Vía Orgánica Ranch-School, much work has been devoted to rainwater harvesting works. Starting with the roofs of each building or construction, which have been designed in an inclined way to allow rainwater to be directed to a gutter that leads to a cistern located under the adobe buildings. This water, collected during the rainy season, is used for plant irrigation, seed germination and production, and vegetable production.
It feels like year 2023 should be over already. It’s been an incredibly wonderful year with many wonderful outcomes and collaborations, but also a year that hit us hard as RI family after we lost one of our greatest minds, Ronnie Cummins. I am however incredibly proud of our small team, the great loss, and great spirit of resiliency that we are all experiencing says so much about how important this work is for us who are alive and those that departed. Here’s a brief outlook of how things have been unfolding in the world of regeneration, in my world. 15:09:092023-07-05 15:09:09Reflections: from Africa
California has unilaterally decided to define Regenerative Agriculture. It is a subnational government with no formal role in the Regenerative Agriculture movement. It has a state government with entrenched bureaucracies, such as The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), that regulate and condone some of the world’s worst excesses in industrial-scale Degenerative Agriculture on the planet. 15:48:572023-07-06 22:19:52California Proposes to Hijack Regenerative Agriculture
The Opposite of Regenerative is Degenerative. By definition, agricultural systems that use Degenerative practices and inputs that damage the environment, soil, and health and involve animal cruelty, such as synthetic toxic pesticides, synthetic water-soluble fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, confined animal feeding operations, and destructive tillage systems, are not Regenerative. 14:29:082023-06-29 14:29:59Degenerative Agriculture: Bayer/Monsanto’s and Syngenta’s Toxic Greenwashing Deception
May 11th and 12th, 2023, RI's friends and affiliates, Compassion in World Farming and IPES-Food, hosted the Extinction or Regeneration conference in the heart of London, which provided a platform for experts across the globe to share solutions for how we can transform our food and farming systems for better human, animal, and planetary health via a whole food systems approach to providing sufficient nutritious food for an expanding world population while remaining within the safe operating space of all nine planetary boundaries while protecting wild and domestic animals and restoring soils, oceans, forests, and biodiversity. International International2023-06-02 18:00:512023-06-02 13:21:03Extinction or Regeneration
Throughout the year the apiary is managed depending on the season, it is important to feed the bees in winter with their own honey and to have water sources constantly available. In spring, when the flowering begins, the bees are unleashed and visit every flower very early, thanks to the two apiaries the bees cover every area of the ranch and there is not one that they do not visit.
Watch this presentation by Regeneration International's Steering Committee Dr. Vandana Shiva, and international director Dr. André Leu to hear their message on the importance of reclaiming our movement's language from corporate takeover. Leu Leu2023-05-29 15:56:572023-06-03 11:39:34Why We must Reclaim Our Movement’s Language from Corporate Takeover
It is with heavy hearts we share the news that Ronnie passed on April 26th at 12:00 Noon from complications related to recently diagnosed bone and lymph cancer. We are devastated but honoring his divine path with candles lit at this sacred time for his spiritual journey. 🕊
Love, Rose, Adrian, our Families, and those of us at OCA, Via Organica and Regeneration International.
Acres USA has made André Leu’s book Growing Life: Regenerating Farming and Ranching the book the week, in his powerful and well written book, André Leu introduces us all to the concepts of regenerative organic agriculture, asks provocative questions, then shares answers only decades of experience could possibly hope to inspire, and then finally invites us on a journey to, as André says, “become your own researcher”. Leu Leu2023-04-06 12:46:422023-04-06 12:46:42Ground Covers and Weed Management for Regenerative Farming and Ranching
At the Vía Orgánica Ranch-School we practice and promote regenerative agriculture from seeds. We have been working with open pollinated seeds for more than 13 years. The team that is currently in charge of seed production and conservation is formed by Maye García and her sister Rosita. Thanks to their work, more than 52 species of vegetable seeds, flowers, herbs and more are preserved.
Western Zimbabwe is in a dry and hot spell at an absolutely wrong time of the year. As agro-pastoral farmers, we are facing a bit of panic for the lagging crops that still needed a bit of rain, the crops that were ripened had to take an early drying. However, the potential of regenerative agriculture, stories of farmers, and many different humans of earth in regeneration have stimulated most of us to keep going. We now more than ever, need the hope of working TOGETHER, humans and nature to bring Team humanity out of the vicious cycles degeneration. Phiri Phiri2023-03-15 11:35:052023-03-15 11:35:05The Hope of Regeneration: Together
The Vía Orgánica Ranch has become a living school. Enriching and formative experiences are generated daily, not only for the people who come to visit but also for the team that collaborates on the project. Learn more about the project in this edition.
Mexico announced that it was phasing out the use of glyphosate herbicides, the cultivation of GMO corn, and the import of GMO corn for human consumption and livestock feed by the end of 2024. The reasons for the decree given by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador are to protect the health of Mexico’s consumers and small-scale farmers, the environment, and the purity of Mexico’s native corn varieties. Leu Leu2023-02-19 18:28:542023-02-19 18:28:54The Science-based Evidence to Ban Glyphosate and GMOs
To shift from a significant emitter to a major mitigator of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, agriculture needs to change from the current dominant paradigm of chemically intensive, industrial/conventional systems to regenerative systems by focusing on plant biology and living soil sciences. Going to renewables is not enough now and this is why carbon dioxide removal through increasing soil carbon by scaling up best practice regenerative agriculture is critical to keeping the temperature rise below 1.5ºC. Leu Leu2023-02-16 11:31:562023-02-16 11:33:28Maximizing Photosynthesis and Root Exudates through Regenerative Agriculture to Increase Soil Organic Carbon to Mitigate Climate Change